


Tasko is a simple to-do list app with a server backend. You can host the backend on your own server, and you can access and edit the to-dos from multiple clients.
The only client available so far (but not finished yet!) is an Android app.

There are probably already hundreds of apps that can do this (Remember the Milk for example), but this one is mainly for learning purposes (write a mobile app with a backend service).

Note that this is not a hosted service like Remember the Milk!
It comes with a server backend that you have to host yourself, on your own server!

The name "Tasko" just means "task" in Esperanto.
(in order to find a good name for the project, I played around with words like "task", "todo" etc. in Google Translate)



The Tasko server needs IIS and RavenDB to run.
I'm using Windows Azure Websites and RavenHQ for my personal instance.

SSL / https

By default, Tasko enforces SSL, i.e. it will only accept HTTPS requests.

Note that Tasko will never enforce SSL when it's running on AppHarbor, because AppHarbor needs a custom RequireHttps attribute for that and I wasn't able to get it to work.
You can still use HTTPS on AppHarbor, it's just that Tasko will accept HTTP as well.

If your server doesn't have SSL at all, you can enable HTTP by setting the RequireSsl key in the appSettings (in web.config) to false.

Setting a SigningKey

Tasko uses session token authentication, provided by Thinktecture.IdentityModel. IdentityModel needs a SigningKey to sign the tokens it creates.

You should provide a fixed key in web.config:

    <add key="SigningKey" value="..."/>

To create a valid key, just create a random 32-character string and convert it to Base64 (like IdentityModel does it under the hood).

If you don't provide a key, a new one will be generated on each application restart, which means that all existing tokens are invalidated. So if you want the tokens to "survive" an application restart, you should provide your own key.

Creating users

For now, Tasko doesn't support creating new users via the API - you have to create them in RavenDB Management Studio.
Just create a new document (New -> New Document in the top navigation bar), enter users/yourname as the document id and the following data:

  "Id": "yourname",
  "Password": "123"

Here's how it should look like for the user yourname:

new user

API Documentation

Authentication and content type

As mentioned before, Tasko uses session token authentication.
You log in once with username and password via HTTP Basic Authentication to request a session token:

GET /api/token

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Basic eW91cm5hbWU6MTIz

(this is the user from the example above, yourname with password 123)


  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9...",
  "expires_in": 31536000.0

This token can now be used for authentication in subsequent requests. With Tasko's default settings, it will be valid for a year (you can change that in web.config by setting a different value for the TokenLifetime key).

Don't forget to set the right content type when you send data to the API.
So a correct request header should contain these two lines:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: Session eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9...

Load all tasks

Note that there is no GET /api/tasks.
Please use the search feature instead (POST /api/tasks/search, see below)

Load a single task

GET /api/tasks/1


  "Id": 1,
  "Description": "First Task",
  "Categories": [
  "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
  "CreatedBy": "someuser",
  "LastEditedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
  "LastEditedBy": "someuser",
  "FinishedAt": null,
  "FinishedBy": null,
  "IsFinished": false

Search tasks

You search for tasks (i.e. you load a list of all tasks, with or without filtering) by creating a new search:

POST /api/tasks/search

Input (optional):

An object with search parameters:

    "Category": "cat1",
    "Finished": false,
    "PageNumber": 1,
    "PageSize": 10

All the parameters are optional. If you omit them all, nothing will be filtered and all tasks will be returned.

The results will always be paged. If you omit PageNumber and PageSize, the values shown above will be used by default.


A list of task objects, like this:

    "Id": 1,
    "Description": "First Task",
    "Categories": [
    "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
    "CreatedBy": "someuser",
    "LastEditedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
    "LastEditedBy": "someuser",
    "FinishedAt": null,
    "FinishedBy": null,
    "IsFinished": false
    "Id": 2,
    "Description": "Second Task",
    "Categories": [
    "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:06:16.15625Z",
    "CreatedBy": "someuser",
    "LastEditedAt": "2013-06-09T21:06:16.15625Z",
    "LastEditedBy": "someuser",
    "FinishedAt": null,
    "FinishedBy": null,
    "IsFinished": false

Create a new task

POST /api/tasks 


    "Description": "the description",
    "Category": "the category"


  "Id": 3,
  "Description": "the description",
  "Categories": [
    "the category"
  "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T22:27:34.875Z",
  "CreatedBy": "yourname",
  "LastEditedAt": "2013-06-09T22:27:34.875Z",
  "LastEditedBy": "yourname",
  "FinishedAt": null,
  "FinishedBy": null,
  "IsFinished": false

Finish a task

POST /api/tasks/1/finish


  "Id": 1,
  "Description": "First Task",
  "Categories": [
  "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
  "CreatedBy": "someuser",
  "LastEditedAt": "2014-12-23T18:49:56.4420043Z",
  "LastEditedBy": "yourname",
  "FinishedAt": "2014-12-23T18:49:56.4420043Z",
  "FinishedBy": "yourname",
  "IsFinished": true

Reopen a finished task

POST /api/tasks/1/reopen


  "Id": 1,
  "Description": "First Task",
  "Categories": [
  "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
  "CreatedBy": "someuser",
  "LastEditedAt": "2014-12-23T18:52:17.3272503Z",
  "LastEditedBy": "yourname",
  "FinishedAt": null,
  "FinishedBy": null,
  "IsFinished": false

Add a new category to a task

POST /api/tasks/1/categories


    "Category": "Category2"



(all of the task's categories)

Return a task's categories

GET /api/tasks/1/categories



Delete a category from a task

DELETE /api/tasks/1/categories/Category2

(Category2 is the category to delete)



(the remaining categories)

Change a task's description

PUT /api/tasks/1/description


    "Description": "new description"


  "Id": 1,
  "Description": "new description",
  "Categories": [
  "CreatedAt": "2013-06-09T21:02:13.78125Z",
  "CreatedBy": "someuser",
  "LastEditedAt": "2014-12-28T02:45:18.6704517Z",
  "LastEditedBy": "yourname",
  "FinishedAt": null,
  "FinishedBy": null,
  "IsFinished": false

Error Handling

If any of the "writing" API calls fail because of invalid input (for example, if you try to finish an already finished task again, or try to set an empty description), the API will return status code 400 and a Message property with a clear-text error message:

    "Message": "task is already finished - can't finish it more than once"


How to build

  • Tasko Server:
    • Run build-and-run-tests.bat in the main folder.
      This will build the project, run all unit and integration tests and create a release subfolder with the binaries.
  • Tasko Android Client:


Tasko makes use of the following open source projects:


Tasko and the Tasko Android client are licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt for details.

Project Info