← Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI, part 1 - Using categories | Batch File Cheat Sheet →

Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI, part 2 - Specifying a fixture

| tags: .netnunitunit-testing

This post is part of a series: Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI

  1. Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI, part 1 - Using categories
  2. Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI, part 2 - Specifying a fixture (this post)

In the first part of this post, I used NUnit’s [Category] attribute to separate my integration tests from my unit tests, but I wasn’t 100% satisfied with the result.

So I looked for a better solution, and after reading the GUI’s command line options again, I found out that you can tell the GUI to load only certain test classes or namespaces from the test assembly:

Specifying an Assembly and a Fixture
The name specified after the /fixture option may be that of a TestFixture class, or a namespace. If a namespace is given, then all fixtures under that namespace are loaded.

So I removed the [Category] attribute from the test class, and added the .Integration sub-namespace instead:

namespace Tasko.Tests.Integration
    public class RavenEmbeddedTests
    	// tests here

Likewise, I moved the “normal” (non-integration) test class to the namespace Tasko.Tests.Unit.

Now I have two batch files to start the NUnit GUI.

The first one is the same like before:

path\to\nunit-x86.exe path\to\Tests.dll

…and it runs all the tests:

Running all tests

The second one tells NUnit to only run the tests from the .Unit namespace:

path\to\nunit-x86.exe path\to\Tests.dll /fixture:Tasko.Tests.Unit

This one doesn’t even load the other namespaces, so the integration tests aren’t visible at all. And of course they don’t run, no matter if I press F5 or click the “Run” button:

Running unit tests only

This may or may not work for you, because there are things you can do with categories that you can’t do when you use my solution (like assigning more than one category to a single test).

For me, the simplicity of the /fixture approach outweighs these limitations, so I’ll stick with it.

← Excluding integration tests in NUnit's GUI, part 1 - Using categories | Batch File Cheat Sheet →