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Basic Authentication in ASP.NET Web API

| tags: .netweb-apiauthentication

For my current project Tasko, I’m writing a service backend in ASP.NET Web API at the moment.

I already had a usable basic version for some time, the last thing that was missing was authentication.
This web services stuff is all new to me (that’s one of the reasons why I’m creating a task management app myself, instead of using one of the many that already exist), so I didn’t know much about authentication as well. I had a vague idea that something like Basic Authentication existed, but that was all.

A few weeks ago, I needed to write web services for an iPhone app at work, and used ServiceStack for that. Of course, these web services required authentication as well, so I already had to learn about authentication then.
(I had some problems first, but soon managed to get it to work)

With my newly gained knowledge about Basic Authentication in general and how to make it work in ServiceStack, I tried to implement it with ASP.NET Web API as well.

First try: Using the handler from WebAPI Contrib

The first thing I looked at was the “Security” section on the official Web API site, especially the Basic Authentication article.

At the bottom of that page, there is example code for a HTTP Module that handles Basic Authentication with Custom Membership. IMO, this was quite a lot of code compared to the bare minimum working solution in ServiceStack, so I disliked the idea of just copying and pasting the code from the site, and looked for a shorter solution instead.

Then I found the Web API Contrib project, which contains a message handler for Basic Auth.

The usage looks similar to the basic minimum ServiceStack example linked above - just inherit from the class:

using WebApiContrib.MessageHandlers;

namespace Tasko.Server
    public class TaskoBasicAuthHandler : BasicAuthenticationHandler
        protected override bool Authorize(string username, string password)
            if (username == "test" && password == "123")
                return true;

            return false;

        protected override string Realm
            get { return "Tasko.Server"; }

…and add this line to the configuration:

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Add(new TaskoBasicAuthHandler());

This worked on my machine, but the problem was: I couldn’t get it to run on AppHarbor, where I intended to host my own Tasko instance.
The authentication just didn’t work - Web API always returned a 200 and the requested data, even with the wrong credentials or no credentials at all.

Back to the example from the official docs

So I took a second look at the examples from the official Web API site (the last paragraph, “Basic Authentication with Custom Membership”). I copied the HTTP Module into my project and registered it in web.config.

Note that you can’t just copy & paste the type attribute from the tutorial. The first parameter needs to be the name of the class (including namespace) and the second parameter needs to be the name of the assembly.

So for this HTTP Module, it’s:

        <add name="BasicAuthHttpModule"
        type="Tasko.Server.BasicAuthHttpModule, Tasko.Server"/>

What happened then was exactly the opposite from the result of the first try: authentication worked on AppHarbor, but not on my local machine.
This would make it difficult to test authentication locally, but I could have lived with that for now.

But I still googled some more, and finally found this:

The built in web server for Visual Studio is called Cassini and here are a few of its limitations…


  • It does not support authentication.

Okay…if you’re a (.NET) web developer, you probably already know this.
I guess that most people who are starting with Web API come from a ASP.NET MVC background, but not me…I’m not exactly a web guy.
Now that I think about it: I’m quite sure that my co-workers (who do ASP.NET MVC development) use IIS to run their projects on their local machines, and not Cassini.

As soon as I had figured that out, the rest was easy: install IIS Express on my machine, and that was it.


None of the steps I had to go through is really difficult, as soon as you have figured out how this all works.
But I could probably have avoided hours of trial and error if a few things were explained better in the tutorials - like the fact that Cassini doesn’t support authentication.

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